Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika decides to die is a 2009 drama film directed by Emily Young and starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jonathan Tucker, Melissa Leo, David Thewlis and Erika Christensen, adapted from the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho.
The setting of the movie is New York instead of the original location of the novel in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Veronika Decides to Die

Directed by           Emily Young
Produced by        Sriram Das
Written by           Paulo Coelho (book),Larry Gross
Based on              Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
Starring               Sarah Michelle Gellar,Jonathan Tucker,Erika Christensen,Melissa Leo,David Thewlis
Narrated by         Sarah Michelle Gellar
Music by              Murray Gold
Distributed by     First Look International Entertainment One Films
Release dates       August 21, 2009 (Brazil)
                             January 20, 2015 (United States)
Country               United States
Language            English

Box office            $1,369,647 (foreign)


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Story of Veronika Decides to Die Movie

Although living what looks like a successful life, Veronika (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is depressed and cannot find meaning in her existence. Intending suicide, she takes an overdose, blaming her attempted suicide on the failure of the world to recognize what is "real". She wakes inside an exclusive and expensive mental asylum only to learn that the overdose has left her prone to an aneurysm that will kill her in a matter of weeks.
At first, Veronika wants only to accelerate the process, and even a visit by her adoptive parents fails to rekindle her will to live. Immigrants, her parents love her, but while they are prepared to spend their dwindling resources to get her what help they can--not knowing her death is imminent anyway--they don't truly understand her. They discouraged her from accepting a full musical scholarship at Julliard because they wanted her to get a degree that could earn her a living. They do not see how she despairs at their constraints.
In spite of herself and in spite of her disappointment with her materialistic life, Veronika finds renewed purpose through playing the asylum's piano and through observing and then connecting with the schizophrenic Edward (Jonathan Tucker). Not only does she recover her own will to live, Veronika helps Edward come out of his catatonic state, and the pair are soon released from the asylum together, determined to enjoy Veronika's final days as a couple.
Veronika does not know that her aneurysm is the invention of her unorthodox psychiatrist (David Thewlis), who is testing his theory that convincing her she has only weeks to live will restore her to health and cure her desire to commit suicide. He explains his treatment through letter to his estranged wife, a colleague from the asylum. Most people who attempt suicide repeat their attempts until successful. As long as she does not know the truth, he theorizes, she will consider each day as if it might be her last and thus treasure it. This is, he notes, actually true, as nobody knows when their end will come.
When Veronika drifts off one morning on a bench at sunrise, Edward believes he has lost her, but his grief transforms to joy when she wakes. Celebrating what they believe might be one more day, the pair embrace and walk happily on the beach in the morning light, laughing and hold hands

Cast by

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Veronika
Jonathan Tucker as Edward
Erika Christensen as Claire
Melissa Leo as Mari
David Thewlis as Dr. Blake
Adrian Martinez as Male Nurse